Structural Engineering | Geotechnical Engineering
delivering engineering expertise to the Waikato and South Auckland regions
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The dedicated team of qualified Civil, Structural, and Geotechnical Engineers at Daba Engineering Limited are based in Hamilton, delivering engineering expertise to the Waikato and South Auckland regions
Hamilton Office
526 Victoria St, Hamilton
(An appointment will be necessary for the meeting)WHATWE DO
Daba Engineering Limited provides economical and practical engineering solutions complying with building code and all required regulations. Our projects include minor house extensions and alterations, new houses, multi-units and terrace houses, commercial buildings, farm buildings, industrial warehouses, and large residential subdivisions.
Soil testing for residential buildings
Masonry block wall design
Subgrade and compaction inspections
Ground anchors and soil nailing design
Waffle slab foundation design for TC2, TC3 ground conditions
Pile foundations (Timber, Screw, micro and bored piles)
Construction monitoring and issuance of PS4
Geotechnical report for subdivisions and commercial buildings
Timber pole / barrier pile retaining wall design
Mechanically stabilised earth (MSE)
Crib wall design
Ground improvement design
Waffle slab foundation design for expansive clay sites